Alan Turing, a name and a process that I recognized, but did not really know about until recently. After a short video and some of my own research I have looked into who he was, and the fantastic things he did, and what he could have done.
I was aware of the Turing test, a process to determine if a machine is intelligent or not, but I didn't know how exactly it worked. Attempting to teach a computer something without instructing it to know something is something that still hasn't been achieved today, but Alan Turing surely set the fascination and the foundation for attempts to do so. While we see things like "AI" today that can beat champions in chess, and myself to a pulp in StarCraft, these are not truly intelligent. They are actions that react to our actions based on pre-created results. The computer cannot choose to disobey the command and do something else.
was interesting to discover that Alan Turing worked on biological
patterns in plants and how they relate to the fibonacci sequence.
Biological computers, something I was tempted to get into in the last
paragraph are something that consumes my interest. If patterns can be
found, in plants, or animals, then computing can take place. We already
know that the human mind is a powerful computer, rendering more
extremely HD frames per second through our eyes than we can render on
computers in months. If Alan Turing hadn't taken his life, my dream of
seeing this happen in my lifetime would be much higher. It's a
disgusting and terrible shame what happened to him. Not only to be
publicly shamed, but to have his life, clearance, pride and happiness
taken away from him for something that should never have been considered
a crime in the first place. Then to be subjected to "treatments" is
something I have felt the touch of, but never truly experienced. The
very thought of such savagery disgusts me as I oppose attempting to
change anyone.
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